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How much wood pellets production capacity is there in North America?


Major producers and exporters of wood pellets include the US and Canada. Over the next years, we anticipate significant capacity additions in both the US and Canada to meet the exponentially increasing demand for wood pellets around the world.

The largest manufacturer of wood pellets in the world, Enviva, based in the US, intends to increase its capacity from 6.2 million tonnes annually to 13 million tonnes annually by 2026. The company is increasing production at its Lucedale, Mississippi, factory to 750,000 tonnes, and it is now building a plant in Epes, Alabama, that will have a capacity of 1.1 million tonnes annually. Additionally, there are plans for five other factories, including one in Bond, Mississippi, as well as additional plant expansions.

By 2030, the capacity of Drax, a UK-based business that makes wood pellets at its North American facilities, will rise from 5 million to 8 million tonnes. Earlier this year, it had just begun operating a 40,000-tonne pellet mill in Arkansas. Additionally, it is building two additional 40,000-ton mills in the US South.

The Renewable Biomass Group is a different pellet manufacturer that is constructing a pellet plant right now. It is working on a project in Adel, Georgia, that will add 450,000 tonnes of capacity annually.

Peak Renewables has a 660,000-tonne capacity in Canada.